A Model 4 Hire
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Submit your Link to A Model 4 Hire - A resources directory for photographers.

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Web Address
Link Description
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Contact Name
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Your logo should have approximate dimensions of 160x120 pixels & be below 80k in size
Website Thumbnail  We will attempt to obtain a snapshot of your website automatically
Logo Web Address  Specify a full web address of an image you have stored elseware/uploaded
Reciprocal Link

Submission to this site requires you
add our link to your site
Step 1: Add A Model 4 Hire to your site
Please add our link to your website first. Use the following information to link to us:
Title A Model 4 Hire
Web Address http://www.amodel4hire.co.uk
Description A Model 4 Hire is a growing model, modeling agency, photographic, studio and resources directory for photographers of all levels.
Copy and paste this HTML into your links page
Our link should look like this on your site
A Model 4 Hire - A Model 4 Hire is a growing model, modeling agency, photographic, studio and resources directory for photographers of all levels.
Step 2: Specify which Web Address you have placed our link on
Reciprocal Web Address

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